Frequently Asked Question Details :

Title: Establishing communications

Description: Details on how to establish communications with the MS-880.

Issue: How to establish communications with the MS-880 long range scanner.

Solution: Once cabling connections have been made, you are ready to establish communications with either a 3rd party terminal program (Hyperterminal or similar program) using the embedded menus or with a Windows 95 or higher operating system, including Windows NT running Microscan's ESP.
 1. By ESP (Easy Setup Program)
 a) Double-click the ESP icon
 b) Make the communications port selection in Serial Port (Usually COM 2 for desktops and COM 1 for laptops.)
 c) With your host connected to the 9-pin configuration port, set your host communications settings as follows: 57.6K baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bits and None Parity.
 NOTE: The 9-pin configuration port settings are fixed.
 2. By Embedded Menu
 a) With your host connected to the 9=pin configuration port, set your host communications settings as follows: 57.6K baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bits, and None Parity.
 b) Make the communications port selection. (Usually COM 2 for desktops and COM 1 for laptops.)
 NOTE: The 9-pin configuration port settings are fixed.
 IMPORTANT: To receive bar code data through the configuration port, you must enable the port with the following command: <K146,,1>.

Other Keywords: MS-880, communication, establish communication, configuration settings, configuration port

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